Pre School Athletics

Pre School Athletics

Curtis Morton:

It was a fun filled day at the ET Willet Park on Wednesday 20th June as the preschoolers from across the island assembled with their teachers and some parents to participate in a variety of activities.

It was not a competition, but a day when the children could simply enjoy themselves without the pressures brought to bear by their adoring parents and guardians.

It was a joint venture between the Early Childhood Unit of the Education Department and the Sports Department.

The activities were nicely coordinated by the staff members of the Youth Department, who were out in their numbers, ensuring that everything flowed smoothly.

Curtis Morton Jr who led out in dictating the sequence of the activities at the various stations, pointed out that there were ten different activities and those included: Tyre roll; KTC-kicking, throwing and catching; hurdles one-jumping; hurdles two-crawling; bucket and ball; sack race; solen pole station; fill the bottle; shuttle station; BJB-box jump with balance beam.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Kevin Barrett, was particularly impressed with the manner in which the activities were coordinated.

He was especially pleased with the line formation and discipline shown by the little children, as they moved from one station to another, at the sound of the blaring DJ’s horn.

The teachers and parents interviewed were all enthused about the day’s activities and some thought it should be an annual event, while others thought it would be more feasible to have it bi-annually.

The children, teachers and parents responded enthusiastically to the activities and participated fully.

The older children featured during the morning session which ran from 10 am to 12.00 noon and the younger children took center stage, during the afternoon, between 1 and 2 pm.

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