PM Douglas says his government will make all efforts to further reduce inflation

PM Douglas says his government will make all efforts to further reduce inflation

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, FEBRUARY 5TH 2013 (CUOPM) – Inflation in not only under control in St. Kitts and Nevis, but is on the way down.

And Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas while highlighting the achievement said efforts will continue to reduce inflation further.

This Labour Government decided a long time ago to do all in its power to maintain the types of performance standards that create the stability that our people need and investors crave. I suppose that it is normal for those who oppose a Government to always try to ignore that Government’s accomplishments. More significantly, they always do everything in their power to try to get their fellow nationals to ignore the accomplishments of the Government as well. That’s normal, so we won’t lament that fact too much,” Dr. Douglas said during his weekly radio call-in programs.

Dr. Douglas pointed out that whether that country is Russia, Ghana, the United States, or some tiny nation like St. Kitts and Nevis, the attacks and the criticism are endless.

That is just a fact. By the same token, then, logic tells us that when there is a Government that works to control inflation, and when that Government is actually successful at controlling – and indeed reducing –inflation, there is cause for the people of that country to celebrate because that is “proof positive” that that Government is most assuredly – often again great odds, fighting the good fight, to “deliver” for the people who elected them,” he told listeners.

Prime Minister Douglas said that despite what has been happening globally, and despite the impact that this has had on economies throughout the Caribbean, his St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Government has dedicated itself to putting together those mix of policies and programmes “with the greatest potential to protect our nation and our people from the ravages of the global downturn.”

We have been very successful, not only at using our combined expertise and insight to spare our country the humiliating uncertainties and hardships being experienced by other countries – [like non-existent civil service salaries and so on] but also to give fair-minded and reasonable nationals a sense of genuine hope. That is why, the IMF announcing a few days ago that despite what may be happening in the rest of the world, St. Kitts and Nevis is expected to see positive growth in the economy in 2013, was most affirming, and most rewarding. This is precisely the result that we expected our economic policies to produce, and we are gratified that an impartial and internationally respected body like the International Monetary Fund has made public its confidence in the upward movement of the St. Kitts and Nevis economy. I should say, here, by the way, that the IMF analysis sees our economy growing by 2% this year,” said Prime Minister Douglas.

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