Plans Progressing for The Staging of a National Consultation on Crime and Violence in St. Kitts And Nevis

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (SKNIS) – The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, through the Ministry of National Security, is putting plans in place for the staging of a National Consultation on the issue of crime and violence, bringing together senior government officials, law enforcement personnel, civil society, non-governmental organisations, the youth, and more for wide-ranging discussions on this important issue.

Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, made this disclosure during his appearance on Freedom FM’s Issues SKN programme on Tuesday, July 23, 2024. The consultation will form part of the government’s comprehensive, all-of-society approach to addressing the scourge of crime in the Federation.

Prime Minister Dr. Drew indicated that the government intends to use the platform of the planned national consultation to share the findings of a scientific study carried out by a task force, led by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr. Izben Williams, that looked at crime and violence from a public health perspective, addressing the root causes of the problem.

“We have invested a lot and it is time now, with all of the studies we have done and all the information we have, we need to now consult and determine the direction which we are going,” said Prime Minister Drew, while noting that the input and feedback from the public is critical in shaping the way forward.

In the meantime, the honourable prime minister issued a strong and passionate appeal to the youths of the nation to choose different means of conflict resolution and to instead channel their energies into positive outlets using their unique creativity and talents.

“There are so many other things that our young people could be doing. There are sports, robotics, and the Orange Economy [where] youths can take advantage of the available opportunities,” said Dr. Drew.

Further details on the national consultation on crime and violence will be communicated at a later date.

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