Pharmacy Council warns residents of Antigua about sexual enhancement and other drugs that can result in serious health challenges if consumed

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Antigua and Barbuda Pharmacy Council and by extension the Ministry of Health, Wellness & The Environment would like to advise the public of some very important issues of concern relating to three (3) products that can result in serious health challenges if consumed.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an alert on the use of Kingdom Honey Royal Honey VIP, a product that is marketed primarily on the internet for sexual enhancement. Analysis of this product has confirmed the presence of “Sildenafil”, the active ingredient in “Viagra”.

The public particularly individuals taking medication containing nitrates eg. Nitroglycerine are advised not to consume this product because it may result in the lowering of their blood pressure to dangerous levels.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also issued an alert on the use of contaminated cough and cold syrups made by an Indian drug manufacturer, Maiden Pharmaceuticals.

The Authorities are investigating the deaths of dozens of children in the Gambia from kidney injuries possibly linked to contaminated cough and cold products. The products implicated are:

Promethazine Oral Solution
Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup
Makoff Baby Cough Syrup
Magrip N Cold Syrup

Laboratory analysis revealed the presence of unacceptable levels of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol both of which can be toxic when consumed.

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the USA has signaled the alarm having noticed an emerging trend by drug traffickers to deliberately drive addiction amongst children and young adults by marketing “Fentanyl” a synthetic opioid, as brightly colored candies. “Rainbow Fentanyl” as the products are called are marketed as pills, powder or blocks and resembles sidewalk chalk.

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