PAHO-Led Healthy Workplace Workshop Commences in St. Kitts

Basseterre, St. Kitts – (Ministry of Health): The Ministry of Health in St. Kitts and Nevis, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has launched a comprehensive two-day Healthy Workplace Workshop. This significant event aims to develop a robust framework promoting health and well-being within the workplace, set to be implemented across the ministry and eventually extended to all government sectors.

Permanent Secretary of Health, Mr. Curtin Martin, emphasized the ministry’s commitment to becoming a model for workplace safety and a healthy work environment. “We will become the model Ministry. We must demonstrate to the rest of the civil service that we can be the model ministry in every aspect, including workplace safety and building a healthy work environment,” stated Mr Martin during his opening remarks.

Mr. Martin further highlighted the ministry’s dedication to enhancing physical and mental well-being while fostering a supportive and productive environment. “Our goal is not only to enhance our physical and mental well-being but also to foster a supportive and productive environment where each of you can thrive. Recently, I’ve been stating that the Ministry of Health would be focusing on three pillars: Physical Health, Mental Health, and Social Health. Yesterday, someone reminded me that we need to add a fourth, Spiritual Health. This PAHO/WHO framework is globally recognized as a comprehensive approach to promoting health and well-being in the
workplace. I want to publicly thank PAHO for its technical cooperation and its commitment to partnering with the ministries of St. Kitts and Nevis along this journey.”

The workshop’s opening day was attended by the leadership of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Ministry of Health, reinforcing the unified health approach across the federation. Ms. Shelisa Martin-Clarke, Permanent Secretary in the NIA Ministry of Health, also delivered brief
remarks and actively participated in the morning session.

This workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to create and maintain healthy work environments. The insights gained and frameworks developed are expected to be instrumental in promoting a culture of health and wellness across all government sectors in St. Kitts and Nevis.

The Ministry of Health extends its gratitude to PAHO for its invaluable support and looks forward to the positive impact of this initiative on the well-being of its employees and the wider public service.

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