New President Plans to Turn Nevis Cricket Around

New President Plans to Turn Nevis Cricket Around

By: Curtis Morton

Mr. Denrick Liburd, President of the Nevis Cricket Association (NCA) is confident that with a “no nonsense” approach and the collaborative assistance of his Association members, he can be instrumental in turning Nevis Cricket around.

Liburd noted that he had brought a strategic plan to the table which was fine tuned and approved by the general cricketing body.

He stated that he conducted a ‘SWOT’ analysis of the state of the game on the island which included a look at the current state of Cricket: The strengths; weaknesses; opportunities and threats were looked at and certain specific short term and long term plans will be implemented in order to counteract the negative forces.

Liburd also indicated that he will be working closely with  the St. Kitts Cricket Association in an effort to formulate a collective ‘MOU’ towards the improvement of the game on both islands.

He also pointed out that he will not be phased by any political forces, in his efforts.
“That won’t happen…not under my watch”, he opined

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