Nevis Renal Society Dinner Ceremony 2015

Nevis Renal Society Dinner Ceremony 2015

By: St. Clair ‘Sazam’ Hull

(CHARLESTOWN NEVIS) On the evening of Saturday, November 7, 2015 under the Theme, “Are your Kidneys healthy? Get tested!” the Nevis Renal Society held its annual Dinner Ceremony at Occasions located at Pinney’s Industrial Site.

The ceremony began with the Invocation by Ms. Marilyn Halliday. This was followed by the National Anthem.

Chairperson of the event, Mr. Curtis Morton gave the opening remarks. He told those in attendance that we must love each other not with all our hearts, but with all of our Kidneys. He continued, “You see if we love each other will all our hearts that would just be one because all of us only have one heart. But if we love with our Kidneys that would be more love due to the fact that we have two Kidneys and two is more than one”. Morton also noted that often times we tend to take Kidney issues for granted but it is virtually impossible to survive without our Kidneys so we ought to be very mindful as such.

Ms. Sherolyn Pemberton, read a profile of Mr. Carl Small. Small who is currently sixty three years old was a police officer in 1992 when he was diagnosed with Kidney disease. After been hospitalized for about two months, he travelled to Barbados to Barbados with the possibility of a transplant or to be placed on dialysis. A transplant required either a family member or someone who was compatible to be a donor. His trip was made possible, with the kind assistance by the Ministry of Health and the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force. During his wait for the transplant, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital had become his home and he immediately began Haemodialysis treatment.

Later on, he resided at the Barbados Defence Force and was attached to the RSS as an Inspector of Police and performed the duties of Safety and Health Office in the workplace. Mr. Small returned to the federation in July 2015 and is currently a client at the dialysis unit at the Joseph N. France General Hospital. Twenty three years have passed, and it has never been smooth sailing for him financially, emotionally, physically and culturally. In spite of it all, he has remained resilient, hopeful and courageous. He has expressed that he’s made it through the tough times and the good times because of some special people in his life.

First and foremost, Mr. Small wishes to express his heartfelt gratitude to his lovely wife Corrine, of thirty-five years, his two daughters and in more recent times his three granddaughters. Also to the High Command of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, the Regional Security Systems in Barbados, retired Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Felix Hodge and Assistance Commissioner, Mr. Ian Queeley. Also to Mr. Dinsdale Morton who is now deceased and his dear wife Mrs. Majorie Morton who ably supported him with the use of their dialysis machine. Last but by no means least; he wishes to thank the Nevis Renal Society, an organization which he is now a part who through its vision and mission gave hope to many renal patients.

Dr. Florelle Hobson, gave the feature address. She told those in attendance that is extremely important to take care of one’s Kidneys and if someone was to ask us about the current state of our Kidneys, what will we say to them. She continued, “If a person was to walk up to you and say, how your kidneys are doing what your response will be?” That is why it is imperative to know about the state of those important organs. Dr. Hobson pointed out that the four tools we need to pay attention to in having healthy Kidneys are, our shopping list, food plate, attitude and two simple tests of blood and urine to monitor your Kidneys current status.

Dr. Hobson, also noted that at times we take these things with lightness, because we felt as though everything is going to be okay. She indicated that no one is immune to sickness and therefore we should always pay close attention to our health. The doctor also pointed out that Renal Failure is more prevalent than ever before and that is very concerning. In closing she applauded the Nevis Renal Society for the extraordinary work that they have been doing over the years.

President of the Nevis Renal Society, Mrs. Alexa Pemberton, also gave some brief remarks. She noted that she was quite elated to see so many people at the ceremony. She indicated that the society is now in its sixteenth year and they have been doing their utmost best to ensure that everything is been done in a smooth manner. Mrs. Pemberton praised the staff of the organization, noting that they have made her job as president a lot easier than it actually is. She continued, “The staff is an amazing one and even though being President is a tough job the work they put in makes it easier for me”. In conclusion, she told those gathered to try their endeavor best to protect their Kidneys.

The vote of thanks was given by Ms. Florene Williams.

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