Nevis Premier publicly commends Police Officers stationed on Nevis

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 30, 2013) — Premier of Nevis and Minister of Security Hon. Vance Amory publicly commended Officers of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, Nevis Division for their tireless efforts to ensure safety and security on Nevis.

Mr. Amory’s praise came when he delivered remarks at the opening ceremony of a five-day Police training workshop sponsored by the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) in partnership with the Regina Police Service and Mr. Dan McMullen of Operation Future, at the Jessups Community Centre on October 28, 2013.

“I recognise that you are in a very sensitive profession. You are in a profession which has attendant risks in the performance of your duties; that you may also find yourselves often deprived of sleep at nights because you have to be out patrolling and also deprived of rest in the daytime, where you have to do patrols but because the work you do is so important to the welfare and wellbeing of all the people of St. Kitts and Nevis and in this case specifically of the people of Nevis where you are now stationed.

“I want to say to you that your service and your commitment to the performance of your duties is very highly appreciated,” he said.

Meantime, Premier Amory reminded the workshop participants that no amount of exposure to important training was too much and as such, they should learn all they could whenever the opportunity was presented.

“One of the things that you would have learnt and I have learnt myself is that you can never have too much exposure to important training and one of the things which you would have heard as well, you should learn all you can and can all you learn – meaning whatever information that you get in respect of your professional development; in respect of your training in whatever area of training which has been offered, I am asking you that you take it seriously,” he said.

The Nevis Security Minister also told the Officers that he was not new to the helm of being in charge of the Nevis Island Government affairs and in his previous tenure, he never engaged in interfering with the performance of the Police.

He registered his intention to continue doing the same, since the Police had the laws and regulations which governed their performance and the organisational structure which governed their operations.

“I take a dim view of any interference of any work with the Police regardless of where it is coming,” he said.

Mr. Amory encouraged the Officers to recommit themselves to the highest level of performance and comradery.

“I want you to recommit yourselves to the highest level of performance of your duties. I want you to recommit yourselves to the highest levels of comradery and teamwork, so that you can depend on your fellow officers and that they know they can depend on you.

“I think this is an important aspect of any organization there is in fact no one man show even if each person is the most brilliant, you need the support of every member of the organization,” he said.

Meantime, Superintendent Hilroy Brandy, Officer in Charge of the Nevis Division explained that at the end of the training workshop, participants would be better able to conduct interviews of victims and those who were suspected of committing crimes or offences.

He said they would also be better able to understand the concept of Community Policing, gangs and organised crime.

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