Nevis Government supportive of Police efforts, says Premier Amory

Nevis Government supportive of Police efforts, says Premier Amory

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 25, 2013) — Premier of Nevis and Minister responsible for Security in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Vance Amory, threw the Administration’s support behind the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, Nevis Division in its efforts to keep Nevis safe.

Mr. Amory’s assurance came when he delivered remarks at the 10th annual Police Constable Awards Ceremony and Dinner on February 23, 2013 at the Occasions Entertainment Centre at Pinney’s. The awards ceremony has been a high point on the Division’s annual calendar of events.

“As part of our effort to partner with the Police, I have committed to Commissioner [Celvin] Walwyn that we will do whatever we can to ensure that the new addition to the K9 Unit will be properly housed. That may not be a very big commitment in terms of money but in terms of ensuring that we are partners with the Police.

“The Police are our protectors while we use the streets. You are protectors of the business places while we are doing business and we want you to be assured that this Administration will, without any political interference, encourage you to do your job to the best of your ability, professionally and in accordance with the law,” he said.

The Premier indicated that the Administration supported the ceremony because it was always important to reward workers who had performed their duties exceptionally well and was therefore, another way of showing appreciation for the work of the Police stationed on Nevis.

“One of the important things about workers, it is always important to reward them, reward sweetens labour… Accept the celebration which is being taken in your honour this evening, as our small token to show to you as members of the St. Kitts and Nevis Police Force in the Nevis Division that we value the work which you do to keep our country safe.

“Our Administration’s support of this ceremony this evening, is to indicate that we are fully committed to supporting the Police and that we will continue to establish that partnership so that you and us and all of our citizens can make our country a safer place to live,” he said.

The Leader of the NIA outlined the importance of safety and security to the island’s growth.

“An important aspect of a country’s development is to ensure that there is safety, that there is security and that there is a stable environment, not just for the sake of having a stable environment but because it is conducive to the wellbeing of the country and the future of our peoples.

“A stable environment would be one in which people will feel safe to invest, in which homeowners will feel comfortable that their homes will not be violated, that their privacy will not be encroached upon and they will feel safe that their children, our children, will have a future without the difficulty of having to wrestle with criminals and criminal activity,” he explained.

Notwithstanding, Mr. Amory registered his concern with the issue of comradery. He said it was an important factor in any agency to perform as a unit where there was trust and loyalty. Those two characteristics, he said, would make the difference between an efficient and effective Police Force and one that was ineffective.

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