Nevis Beats St.Kitts In First Leg Of Sugar Mas Basketball Cup

Charlestown, Nevis (FDecember 13th 2013):- The First Annual Sugar Mas CUP got off to and exciting and surprising start on Thursday evening in Nevis where the first of 3 encounters took place between the Island Teams of St.Kitts and Nevis.

The Nevis team who just returned from a tour of Monsterrat outplayed their St.Kitts counterparts defeating them 68-61. According to many Basketball historians this is the first time in at least the last 15 years that a Nevis Island/National Team has defeated a St.Kitts Island/National Team.

“The outcome of this first match-up shows the tremendous strides Basketball has made on the island of Nevis. Just a few years ago it would be almost unheard of for any Nevis Island team to beat a St.Kitts Island team , “ said a Nevis Island Basketball Committee Official

“We are looking forward to the 2nd match in St.Kitts on Saturday where we hope to sweep the Kittitians and take the first Sugar Mas Cup back over the waters to Nevis,” the official continued.

The Match on Saturday will be complimented with the SKNABA Prize Giving Ceremony where top players and teams from the last two seasons will be awarded their trophies and other prize

The Sugar Mas Basketball Cup is a new innovation of the SKNABA Executive to raise the level and development of Basketball in the federation

Stats for game one Sugar Mas Cup

Nevis Select 68 to St.Kitts National Team 61.

First Quarter Nevis Select 22 to St.Kitts National 8
Second Quarter Nevis Select 16 to St.Kitts National 12
Third Quarter St.Kitts National 25 to Nevis Select 16
Last Quarter St.Kitts National 16 to Nevis Select 14
From the Desk of

Wallis Wilkin

General Secretary
St.Kitts Amateur Basketball Assciation



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