Netball Revival Starts On Nevis

Netball Revival Starts On Nevis

Curtis Morton

It has been deemed the ‘revival of Netball,’ in Nevis.

On the evening of Thursday 10th May the Youth and Sports Department conducted a significant rallying call towards the resurrection of Netball on the island.

Director of Sports, Jamir Claxton was pleased with the huge turnout which included some of the seasoned Netballers on the island, along with some young ladies who are obviously willing to learn the fundamentals of the game.

Sports officer, Curtis Morton Jr indicated that it was a fantastic initiative by his department and noted that he was pleasantly surprised at the huge turnout.

He stated that the Netball train will be moving to various communities and he is hoping that the turn out will remain as good, if not better.

Mrs. Govanie Hendrickson, also thought that it was a great initiative and noted that quite apart from the actual game type activity on the court, that those who were just learning the sport, were also being taught the basic rules of the game, in the process.

It is hoped that as the interest in the game continues to peak that several matches will be coordinated by the department.

The revival continues.

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