Need for more hotel rooms to boost stayover arrivals, says Minister Skerritt

Need for more hotel rooms to boost stayover arrivals, says Minister Skerritt

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, SEPTEMBER 5TH 2013 (CUOPM) – A need for more hotel rooms in St. Kitts to increase the stayover arrival numbers.

“The challenges we still have in the stayover sector is that we need more hotel rooms and the hotel rooms that we have need refurbishing and investment,” said Minister of Tourism, Sen. the Hon. Richard “Ricky” Skerritt, who noted that Ocean Terrace Inn and the Frigate Bay Beach Resort are planning major construction.
“Just by improving their management and overall strategy in the market place, their occupancy has gone up and they have also been taking on new employees,” said Mr. Skerritt.

He also disclosed that the Frigate Bay Beach Hotel with 64 rooms is to undergo major refurbishment.

“It had got so badly run down over the years that they had to shut down parts of the hotel. That also affects your ability to sell in the market place and they are now finally beginning to take action in terms of refurbishing and if you go to the Frigate Bay Beach Hotel now, it is becoming a construction site,” disclosed Minister Skerritt.

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