NCCU stands poised as a bulwark in the financial services sector, says Premier Brantley

CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS, July 26, 2022 (MMS-SKN) — Premier of Nevis, who is also the Minister of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration, the Hon Mark Brantley, is praising the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union (NCCU) Limited for the role it has played in the growth of the country’s financial services sector.

The Nevis Co-operative Credit Union (NCCU) Limited, which was registered on July 25, 1972, and is the oldest in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, is observing year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations.

“Over these 50 years, your institution has consistently stuck to the task of building its shareholder and asset base as well as augmenting its financial services to the public,” said Premier Brantley on Sunday, July 24 at NCCU’s 50th Anniversary thanksgiving service that was held at the Taylor Memorial Wesleyan Holiness Church in Charlestown, Nevis.

“Today, you now stand head and shoulders with the other financial service providers locally and regionally – a remarkable achievement indeed,” added the Hon Brantley. “It is a proud moment in the history of commerce on the island of Nevis when, amidst the falling away of several international brands from our financial services landscape, the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union stands poised as a bulwark in the financial services sector.”

The thanksgiving service which was solemnised by Rev Steadroy Pemberton, a former Director of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union, assisted by Pastor Theophilus Kelly, Pastor Davidson Morton, and Pastor James Douglas, was attended by present and past members of the board of directors, management and staff, led by President Mr. Kris Liburd, and General Manager Mr. Sydney Newton.

“Past and present members of the board of directors, management and staff must be commended for the steady progress that this institution has been able to achieve,” stated Premier Brantley. “Your dedication, innovation and commitment to excellence have served you and the people of Nevis well.”

The Golden Jubilee celebrations are being observed under the theme ‘Consistency, Financial Security and Serving the Community – 50 Years of Development and Prosperity’. Saying that he had been told that the theme had been crafted by a member of staff, Ms. Zahvelisia Claxton, the Premier noted that the accomplishment embodies the remarkable achievements of the NCCU.

“At the mention of ‘serving the community in the theme, I must insert here highest commendations for the impact that the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union has made as a corporate citizen on the island of Nevis,” said Premier Brantley. “It must never be understated how valuable the NCCU is to our society – the many students who have been sponsored or given the opportunity to intern, the numerous clubs that have been supported by your donations and the many community members who have been supported by your donations and the many community members who have benefitted from your generosity all testify to the significant impact that the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union has had.”

He encouraged members of the board and staff to maintain the momentum that has been gathered, telling them never to rest on their laurels but to continue to evolve to meet the needs of the members. He further advised them to ensure that the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited continues to be the responsible, quality service provider that people depend on to manage their financial resources.

“I wish this service and all other events planned for the 50th anniversary, successful execution,” concluded the Honourable Premier. “May God’s richest blessings rest on the leadership and staff of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union as the institution continues to serve its members.”

Also in attendance was the past Premier of Nevis, who is also one of Nevis Co-operative Credit Union’s pioneers, Mr. Joseph Parry, and leader of the Nevis Reformation Party, Dr. Janice Daniel-Hodge.

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