Ms. Culture Queen Pageant: Contestant #4 Evania Thibou

Evania Thibou
Contestant #4
SPONSOR: St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Ltd

“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.” This is the quote of a famous reggae legend, the great Bob Marley, which I 18 year old, Ms Evania Thibou chose to govern my life. In the year of 1996 on August 19th, I received my first grasp of fresh air on my historical island of Nevis. This was made possible by my hardworking, loving, motivating and recherché parents, Ms Verna Thibou and Mr Junior Newton. My parents instilled in me and my other five siblings respect, of both ourselves and others and also ensured that we recognized the important aspects of life such as education, family and courage as we grew.

Evania Thibou

September, 1999 commenced my educational journey as I went to The Charlestown Pre-School located in Stoney Grove, Nevis. There I learnt the essentials of life such as different colours, the alphabet and started friendships which are still strong today. I was also very interested in sports, placing first in different races whether on sports day or just a regular school day, oh how times have changed! Although I cannot recall much of being a pre-schooler, one thing that is certain is my childhood was a very playful and enjoyable one, as my mother always tells me, “Child you never use to act like you got ear.” However, after 2 years I graduated and my days of being a pre-schooler terminated as I was a “big girl” now as daddy loved to say. Therefore, September 2001 I joined the pupils of the Charlestown Primary School at the tender age of 5 where there was the best principal of all time, Ms Alice Swanston. The introduction of a new school was very overwhelming to me at first as I felt like a small girl in a big world, as this school comprised of over 500 pupils as it was the most popular primary school during that time. However, I was very playful and loved to socialize with pupils my age and because of those attributes I developed friendships that also are still strong today. All play and no work made me a very delinquent pupil as I played more than I learnt and became one of the slowest pupils in my class. However, teachers worked endlessly with me and showed me as I advanced from class to class that play time was over and it was time to shape my future. Therefore, my older sisters, Nakita Thibou and Ulinda Warner assisted me to become a focused and well-educated student and the result, was me graduating from primary school in 2008 as the valedictorian with many honours. After this success I enrolled in the Charlestown Secondary School in form 1a1, where this became the most serious stage of my life as I was making preparations for the Caribbean Examinations (CXC). Business, was my course of action because once it was introduced to me I was always very good at it and I have always seen myself to be a sophisticated, professional and successful entrepreneur or accountant. The months of April, May and June in 2013 were very important to me as I sat my 9 CXC examinations and came out successful with all passes with 4 distinctions, 4 grade 2’s and 1 grade 3. I graduated in November of that same year but was already enrolled at The Nevis Sixth Form College two months prior. I have just completed my studies in Management of Business mainly focusing on accounting. Currently, I am awaiting my final results to add with the four passed courses done in 2014, in which I hope to receive my Associates Degree in Business Studies (accounting).

Moreover, although my main focus was always to receive a sound education, I enjoy leisure time. During this time I enjoy watching educational television shows such as law and order and criminal minds. Also, most of my leisure time is spent babysitting, socializing with friends and family, biking, cooking, playing dominoes and having outings with class mates and loved ones. I love, love children and I have done many different activities for them such as homework assistance, words and name pronunciations and educated them about wrong dwellings versus right dwellings. This year I decided to be a contestant in The Ms. Culture Show, as I always had the desire to participate in pageantry, although this may be my first pageant I know it would not be a problem as I am a very determined young lady or as a famous quote says, “if you can dream it you can achieve it.” Also, it is viewed that being a Ms. Culture contestant can be used as an ambassador of a condition that is sadly being ignored or joked about on my island of Nevis known as infertility. In life I would not say anybody inspires me as no one is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. However, I use others mistakes as lessons and their achievements as motivators as I inspire to become the best human possible, never to be told that you’re a replica of anyone as I would prefer to hear you are an unique individual and I have never known anybody like you, as I developed my own quote, “Do not judge me because I’m different, admire me because I choose to be myself, popularity does not loco mote me as I refuse to be a copy just to fit in.”