Ms. Caribbean Culture: Miss Guyana

Ms. Caribbean Culture: Miss Guyana

Biography Radiante Frank

Radiante Frank is a 22 year old amateur writer, dancer, model and actress; an occasional volunteer; a full time student, animal lover and big sister; and a stubborn realist. She grew up in Georgetown, Guyana and attended the New Guyana School. In 2008, she placed in the top 84 at the CSEC Examinations earning eight grade ones and two grade twos and went on to complete her secondary school education at the Nations Sixth Form College. Radiante is now in her final year at the University of Guyana and hopes to complete her studies in June of this year and graduate in November with a degree in Communication Studies.

While she spends a great deal of her time studying and preparing herself for her final examinations, she still makes time for several extracurricular activities. One of her favourites is dance. Radiante has been a student of the Classique Dance School since November 2012 and hopes to one day be an accomplished contemporary dancer. She also enjoys poetry and has written a lot and performed a little of it in the past few years. Her love of writing extends to penning short stories. She looks forward to one day being able to compile and publish them. An additional hobby of Radiante’s is acting. In May of 2013, she performed on stage for the first time as Titania in the Theatre Guild’s production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Radiante also likes modelling and has had a thing for pageantry since she was a little girl. As a child, she would beg her parents to let her stay up let and watch pageants. As an adult, her love for pageantry has grown from merely just wanting to watch them to wanting to participate in them. Pageantry helps build confidence on stage in a very different way than acting does. In a theatrical production, an actor presents a character on stage. In a pageant, the delegate presents her real self on stage, and must learn to be very comfortable in her own skin in order to do this effectively. Radiante currently holds the title of Miss Expressions Culture 2014. Expressions is a modelling organisation in Georgetown, Guyana. It provides young women first with training in modelling and then gives them the opportunity to show off what they’ve learned through local and international modelling jobs.

When she’s not studying or doing something creative, Radiante takes pleasure in volunteering. Her most recent work was done during the summer of 2013 when she helped the WITNESS Project Youth with their film camp. Out of the camp came “Rebecca’s Story”, a short film to help raise awareness about violence against women and children. Radiante enjoys working with young people and hopes to do more work with this organisation once she graduates from university.

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