Mr Herman “Bobby” Liburd: Former Teacher, NRP Chairman, Speaker and Legal Advisor Dies

Mr Herman Liburd, Hon Joseph Parry and Mr Errol Thomas

By Mr Carlise Powell

Very early this morning, the Honourable Joseph Parry called with the sad news of the passing of our brother Herman “Bobby” Liburd. His passing pains deeply because Bobby was a selfless character who embraced humility and who went to great lengths to avoid the limelight.

His knowledge on a diverse range of subjects astounded and amazed me. While many knew him as a lawyer, few know of his special skills as a joiner who made all of his furniture! The quality of his work would have earned him a fortune had he pursued the trade as a profession.

His love for cricket was all consuming and his place on the list of Presidents of the Nevis Cricket Association having succeeded his long time friend Joseph Parry is recorded for posterity. Bobby’s word was his bond. He had honor and chose to do right as a matter of principle.

His service to the land of his birth as a Teacher, Speaker of the National Assembly, Legal Advisor etc were done with devotion and distinction. His daughter Krista who he loved dearly and the rest of his blood family will miss him. His NRP family will mourn him for years to come.

His friend J W Parry will be less without his wise counsel. Bobby knew he was ill and one day he quietly said to me “Carlisle, take over the party as Chairman. I will attend meetings but you Chair”. He was preparing to transition and he did so with dignity.

Nevis has lost one of our beloved sons. I will surely miss his wisdom, his wit and the calmness that he brought when others around him appeared lost and badly flustered. Bobby was a good man. May his soul find eternal rest and rise in Glory.

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