Miss Caribbean Culture Contestant: Miss Trinidad & Tobago- Jenelle J’Thongs

Miss Caribbean Culture Contestant: Miss Trinidad & Tobago- Jenelle J’Thongs




Her Alma-Mata Saint François Girls College moulded her into the young woman she is today. Being a member of RBTT Young Leaders, Junior Achievers (both as a student then as an advisor for 2 years), Mentor, Choir, Drama, Track and Field she benefited with personal growth and the undeniable lesson of teamwork. She then went onto Sixth Form Government School where her involvement was no different, Choir, Team Captain, etc. She is the typical busy body but always has time as she is a firm believer of the concept of family and great friends and she loves spending her free time engaging in their company.

While her childhood was a fun period for her she did have trying times. She was a victim to abuse but she has grown tremendously from that. Her God, family, friends, hobbies and her passion all helped. Her love for animals began at the tender age of five when for birthday she was given not only a kitten but a puppy. At 5 years old a zoologist in the making was born. Volunteering at the Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals later in her life fueled her passion even more. She is now a student at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus pursuing a major in Biology and a Minor in Zoology. She hopes not only to become a zoologist but also become an active member in the zoologist community promoting the balance of life between humans and the environment.

Jenelle is the animal loving, sport loving, falling off of plum trees loving girl…your ultimate tomboy with scars and stories to prove it. Yet one of her goals, which is she is fulfilling now, is to represent her country at recognized pageants regionally and internationally and becoming a true ambassador. Her life in pageantry began 3 years ago through her sister who is a plus sized pageant queen. She always wanted to represent her country but thought it would have been in the sporting arena of track and field. Now blessed with this opportunity she intends to make this one of her greatest life experiences. Pageants as she says now are an addiction. The sense of pride and contentment she feels while wearing a sash especially with your country’s name is a feeling she says few may feel therefore she cherishes each moment.

This tomboy pageant girl is truly thankful for pageants as it allowed her to harness her feminine side and helped to mould her into this striking young woman full of confidence, poise, charisma and so much more. Yet she knows if things get tough sprinting 100 metres in heels is not that big of an issue. In her down time she loves to read. She believes in not only having a hobby but one that is creative thus she loves to write and dance. A great day for her requires a few essentials; a great book, great food, great people and her great God who is always present.

“Nothing worth having comes easy” is one of Jenelle’s favourite quotes as it has always pushed her an extra mile to do more. She believes that if it comes too easy it may just as well leave that easily. Hard work defines your work ethic therefore by extension it defines “you”. She lives to be a God-fearing, positive, uplifting woman who has grown a lot and continues to grow. An ‘amazon goddess’ she calls herself, a warrior at heart who will stop at nothing to fulfill her dreams…………..she is Jenelle Jenny Thongs.

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