Charlestown-Nevis-The third annual Miracle on Main Street, hosted by the Department of Community Development, was held next to the DR Walwyn Plaza on Friday 9th December.

The day commenced at about 11 am with the sale of traditional foods and delicacies such as  Rice and peas; macaroni pie; cook-up;   Do-down pork; creole fish; vegetables; Johnny cakes; pinchie; jaw bone breaker; potato pudding; coconut tarts; sorrel; ginger beer; other local drinks and sodas.

At about 3 .30 pm things got really lively as the Department hosted a live concert, featuring some of the traditional groups and troupes of the past.

These included Masquerades by the Nevis Cultural Development Foundation; May Pole dance by St. James’ Primary school; Johnny Walker by the St. Thomas’ Primary; Clowns by Charlestown Primary; Cake Walk by Ivor Walters Primary; Fisherman dance by Maude Cross Preparatory; Red Cross by the VOJN Primary and the Japanese girls by a group from the St. Thomas’ Parish.

The Mummies out of St.Kitts also made an exhilarating guest appearance.

Another feature of the afternoon, was the introduction of the four Miss Gingerama Queen Show contestants.

The ever humorous Sweet Lemon was performed by a combined group and the Sugar Hill string band brought the curtains down in fantastic fashion.

Director of Community Development, Miss Janet Meloney thanked all who helped to make the event such a tremendous success.

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