LIME Celebrates Safer Internet with Irish Town Primary School

LIME Celebrates Safer Internet with Irish Town Primary School

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS: 5th February, 2013 – Tuesday 5th February was observed as ‘Safer Internet Day’ (SID). Safer Internet Day is organised each year to promote responsible use of online technologies and mobile phones especially among children and young people across the world. The first Safer Internet Day was launched in Europe in 2004, and since then has been commemorated yearly on the second day, of the second week, in the second month of the year. Presently activities to celebrate the SID are being carried out in 74 countries with the theme “Online Rights and Responsibilities”. Mr. Leoan Matthew LIME Customer Solution Delivery Coordinator visited the Irish Town Primary school to make a presentation on online safety which emphasized the slogan “Connect with Respect”.

Approximately 20 students from Grade Six were present at this activity. They were very enthused, interactive and were well aware of the subject matter. Mr. Matthew noted that our primary concern about internet safety was centered around guarding credit card and banking information but in recent times this has shifted to guarding against bullying on social networking sites and safe guarding children from cyber predators. He also left the class with some tips for a safer internet experience which included refraining from posting personal information online, “think before you post”, password privacy, and avoiding physical meetings with persons met online. According to Leoan Matthew at LIME, “Safer Internet Day is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to take a moment and reflect on how they are using technology, and this year in particular to see if they are ‘Connecting with Respect’.

At the end of the session the entire class was presented with stationery from LIME and a few students won $10 Top cards for their outstanding participation during the session. The head teacher of the school Mrs. Jean Nisbett Boddie expressed her gratitude to LIME for taking some time out to educate the pupils on such a timely topic.

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