Letter that was sent to Sam Terrence Condor from the executive of the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party Constituency #3 Branch

Letter that was sent to Sam Terrence Condor from the executive of the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party Constituency #3 Branch

The West Basseterre Labour Branch has noted with concern that the Honourable Sam Terrance Condor who was elected to the Federal Parliament as a candidate contesting the 2010 elections on a St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party ticket in West Basseterre, has recently resigned as a Minister of the Labour Party Government.

Mr. Condor recently embarked upon a course of conduct whereby his actions were designed to destabilize and undermine the Government.

The views of Mr. Condor were never the views of the general constituency branch and were undertaken as a personal narrative expressed without general consultations with the majority of the members who had elected him to serve as our representative.

By his own actions he has abandoned the people of constituency #3 and the party and is now indicating that he is an independent. The Branch is demanding therefore that he immediately resign from the party which he no longer associates himself and also resign as the elected representative of constituency #3 as he no longer represents the views and opinions of the vast majority of constituents that gave him the legitimate mandate to serve.

As a result of the recent turn of events the Branch has taken a decision to replace Mr. Condor as the candidate to contest the next general election as a representative of the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party whenever that election is called.

The Branch has accordingly started the process of finding the new candidate to represent the Labour Party as a representative for West Basseterre.

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