Lawyers of the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association pays visit to the Flamboyant Home

By: St. Clair Sazam Hull

(CHARLESTOWN NEVIS)-Lawyers on Nevis visited the Flamboyant Home as part of Legal Week 2013.

A small group of lawyers on Nevis, on Wednesday, October 6, 2013 visited the Flamboyant Senior Citizens Home as part of Legal Week 2013 organized by the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association. The visit was to bring some cheer to residents of the home and to distribute some care packages.

Chairperson of the event, Attorney Dahlia Joseph who is employed at the firm of Daniel, Brantley and Associates gave the opening remarks. Ms. Joseph, from the outset indicated that the group understood and appreciated the importance of Senior Citizens in the community. She told the seniors, “You are the backbone of St. Kitts and Nevis and your contribution is invaluable”. She expressed her appreciation of the seniors for the valuable and sterling efforts that have been made.

Attorney Dia Forrester invoked God’s presence through a word of prayer. This was followed by the scripture reading by Attorney Cindy Herbert; then a poem recited by Attorney Elizabeth Harper entitled ‘Still I Rise’.

The seniors were very attentive throughout the ceremony and showed their appreciation by giving the lawyers a resounding round of applause after the rendition of each item.

Mrs. Ena Sutton, who is responsible for the institution gave some brief remarks. She said the residents and staff were all gratified that the Bar Association had found it convenient and necessary not only to bring gifts, but for its members to pay a visit to the institution. Mrs. Sutton noted that occasions as such, allowed them to recognize that their work at the institution was more than feeding, cleaning and housing the residents.

Mrs. Sutton claimed that the seniors are the ones who have paved the way for ‘all of us’ and we should always be mindful of that fact.

The care packages were then handed over to Mrs. Sutton by Attorneys Jacinth Jeffers and Shemica Maloney of the Legal Department, Nevis Island Administration.


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