Large number of entries for carnival slogan

Large number of entries for carnival slogan

When the National Carnival Committee in St. Kitts & Nevis launched its 2021 Slogan Competition back on May 13th, no one expected that the support would have been as overwhelming, as it has turned out, give the mood in the country at the time.

That call to action, however, seems to have resonated with the public because the number of entries this year, has been very encouraging. After four weeks, the committee now has the tough task of selecting a winning slogan from 180 entries that were submitted by 80 participants.

The slogan, when finally chosen, will be used as part of the promotions for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of carnival, scheduled for December to January.

The Chair of the National Carnival Committee, Shannon Hawley said “We are looking for something creative, concise and catchy, and something that captures the rhythmic flavour of our carnival festivities.”

She explained, however, that her team is still working hard to define the type of celebration that would be possible, but the final decisions will be guided by the prevailing COVID-19 situation.

The winner, when selected in the coming weeks, will be presented with a cash prize of five hundred dollars.

National Carnival in St. Kitts & Nevis was started in 1971 by the government, replacing the previous Christmas and original private carnival events that dated back to 1957.

The deadline for entries was Saturday, 5th June 2021.

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