King Astro reigns supreme for 2015

By: St. Clair Sazam Hull

(Charlestown Nevis)- Saturday night’s Calypso Monarch competition which was staged at the Cultural Complex in Charlestown was of a high standard. This view was expressed by those persons in attendance and by calypso pundits across the land. Many were of the perspective that the competition tested the professionalism of the calypsonians.

The performances, delivered by all the finalists were greatly appreciated by the crowd that witnessed the grand finale.

The first round started on an intense note with ‘Irwin’, who got the crowd going with his entrance song ‘Let us unite’. The attendees gravitated to him and by the time he was through with the tune the audience gave him a rousing applause. Hollywood, Baker, Nutsy, Lady Panther, Enforcer, Astro and reigning King Dis n Dat all gave their best. However, it was Hollywood with a song called ‘Expectations High’, and Astro with one entitled ‘I want to cry’ that created the most excitement, leaving the crowd unsure of who may have been in the lead at the end of round one.

As the show moved into the second round, the kaisonians tried even harder to outdo their first round presentations. Lady Panther who was the only female in the completion had proved that she was indeed ready for the big league. Both of her songs, ‘Ain touching dat’ and ‘Calypso Hypocrisy’ were well received by those gathered.

When it was time for the official results, everyone seemed to be holding on to the edges of their seat. The second runner- up position went to ‘Hollywood’ who received 791 points for his two songs ‘Expectations High’ and ‘Prayer Warriors’. First runner- up went to ten times monarch King ‘Dis n Dat’ who gained a maximum of 796.5 points for his two tunes ‘One Federation’ and ‘Royal Defense’ .

After the MC had announced the first runner-up, there was no uncertainty as to whom the winner was and the crowd started chanting, ‘Astro’. The judges unanimously agreed that he was beyond his competitors, and gave him a tally of 815 points for his two songs, ‘I want to cry’ and ‘Extra-verse’ and in the process crowning him Calypso Monarch 2015.

Astro is now the holder of both crowns in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, as he was crowned National Carnival King in December of 2014.

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