JLPS Student Council Announced

By:Curtis Morton
Gingerland –Nevis-The atmosphere at the Joycelyn Liburd Primary school was rather hyped, on the morning of Friday 28th October. The students anxiously awaited the results of the school council’s elections which were held the previous day.
Supervisor of elections, Teacher Tricia Williams, made the grand announcement:
There were 8 candidates; 186 votes cast and 40 spoilt ballots.
Based on the count of the valid votes, the new Vice President of the Students council, is Miss Joe’klyah Allen and the new President, is Miss Aniela Fyfield.
In her first official speech in her new position, Miss Fyfield commenced by singing a part of the well-known chorus: ‘Thanks-I give you thanks.’
She then thanked God; the Headmistress and staff of her school; Miss Tricia Williams; her supportive parents; her campaign team and all those persons who voted for her.
She also had words of comfort for her fellow candidates:
‘You have nothing to be ashamed of. Hold your heads high.’
She noted that she was looking forward to teaming up with them to make the school even better than it is.
She hit the ground running as she noted that she was meeting with her management team later that same day, when plans were set to be made for improvements at the school.

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