Ivor Walters Overpowers Maude Crosse

Ivor Walters Overpowers Maude Crosse

By: Curtis Morton

The Ivor Walters Primary School overpowered the Maude Crosse Preparatory School on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at the ET Willet Park.

This as the action continued in the Giant Malt Primary School Football league on Nevis.

The Maude Crosse Prep team seemed determined in the first half and even secured a consolation goal of their own off the boot of Carlon Tuckett but it was the Ivor Walters team that dominated with four precious strikes.

Final score: Ivor Walters Primary 4 Maude Cross Preparatory 1

Today’s game will see the Elizabeth Pemberton Primary School coming up against the St.Thomas’ Primary School at the St.Thomas’ Primary School’s playing field, starting at 1:30 pm.

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