Houses In Close Race For Top Honours At CPS After Infants Cross Country

Houses In Close Race For Top Honours At CPS After Infants Cross Country

The Charlestown Primary school held its annual cross country event for the infants, on Wednesday 30th January.

As per usual, there was a fair gathering of excited spectators, comprising of parents, siblings and other family members, who cheered the little ones, along the route.

The competition was great as the innocent looking faces strived to outdo each other.

The top placements were as follows:

Infant Girls

  1. Janiah Mc Neil-Red
  2. Shyhedra Daniel-Green
  3. Shanay Flynn –Red
  4. Tejah Powell-Blue
  5. Brianna Alexander-Green
  6. Brianna Paul-Green
  7. Cadetta Thomas-Red
  8. Jaymeka Bartlette-Red
  9. Jzariah Gajor-Green
  10. Jenigua Jeffers –Green


  1. Ny’Ejay Springette-Red
  2. T’Vanno Ward-Blue
  3. Kamron Forbes-Blue
  4. Jahkeem Liburd –Green
  5. Casheem Taylor –Blue
  6. Jahville Forrester –Green
  7. K’yelano Clarke-Green
  8. Carlos Connor-Red
  9. Jayden Clarke-Red
  10. Atish Persaud –Red

Points standing

Red house-567 points

Blue house -563


The older children will feature on Friday 1st February.

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