Harmony united choir performance Sunday March 10th at Eden Brown

Harmony united choir performance Sunday March 10th at Eden Brown

(CHARLESTOWN, Nevis, March 8, 2013)- Harmony United Choir directed by a Gospel icon Carmella Lawrence will stage a performance on Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m., March 10th , 2013 at Eden Brown Church of God.

According to a press statement issued by the choir director, members of the choir have been recruited from various churches on the island. Lawrence said those who turn up will have an opportunity to listen to some of the best Gospel voices on the island.

She said during the choir’s performance in 2011 at Gingerland High School, the turnout was overwhelming. The crowd inside the hall was as huge as the one outside.

Harmony United Choir’s first tour overseas was to Antigua where the choir staged concerts.

This year’s Harmony United Choir is dubbed “Lord You Are Good”. Mrs. Lawrence said the audience will be able to listen to a unique blend of sopranos, autos and tenas.

She said there will be time for praise and worship when audiences will actively participate. Seats are free but a love offering will be collected to fundraise for the choir’s tours.

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