Government Of St. Kitts And Nevis Advances Modernisation Efforts with Climate-Smart Hospital and Basseterre High School Project

Basseterre, St. Kitts (SKNIS): In a bold move towards the future, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is pressing ahead with its commitment to modernising the nation’s infrastructure, particularly in the critical sectors of health and education.

During the ‘Roundtable’ discussions held on August 27, at the Koi Resort, Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, unveiled plans for the start of the climate-smart hospital over the next few months.

“This will be a project that would take approximately three years and would employ hundreds of people,” said Prime Minister Dr. Drew.

Dr. Drew said that the climate-smart hospital is set to embody the government’s dedication to creating a sustainable island state, incorporating innovative technologies designed to withstand the challenges posed by climate change, while providing top-tier medical care to the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

In addition to the hospital, Prime Minister Dr. Drew provided a significant update on the Basseterre High School Project. Currently in the design and coordination phase, this project is rapidly progressing towards the construction phase.

He said, “About two months ago, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, the Honourable Dr. Geoffrey Hanely, presented the schematics in parliament and gave an update and since then they have gotten some approvals for continuation and it is a very advanced project.”

The Basseterre High School Project, like the climate-smart hospital, is a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to investing in the future of its citizens.

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