Golf and Tennis Summer Camps Underway

Golf and Tennis Summer Camps Underway

The summer camps hosted by the Youth and Sports Department continued on Monday 24th July at the prestigious Four Seasons Resort.
Starting at 9 am on the greens of the luxurious hotel, the sessions in Golf commenced and attracted approximately 25 boys and girls.
Local Golf pro, Robert Byron, took them through their paces, ably assisted by some of the coaches at the Sports Department.
As per usual, they will be taught some of the basic skills of the game, for the remainder of the week.
On that first day, a lot of emphasis was placed on the correct posture; grip of the golf club and the swing.
Byron also indicated that once the interest level has been developed, the Resort has plans in place to assist in the further development of the children, through their various schools.
As a matter of fact, he noted that he has started training some of the coaches at the various Primary Schools, so that they in turn can pass on those same skills to the children.
He stated that the game is not a ‘lazy man’ game as some would think and reminded that it is a game with a lot of possibilities, including scholarship programs.
Sports officer, Carl Tuckett, used the opportunity to thank the Resort for this kind gesture throughout the years and stated that his department was eternally grateful for the assistance.
The sessions will run from 9 am to 11 am daily and will climax on Friday 27th July.

At the said Resort but starting at 2 pm, was the Tennis program. This attracted some 28 boys and girls on Monday.
Tennis pro, David Wilson and local Tennis coach, Anthony Webbe, took the children through their paces.
During the first session the children were basically taught the various aspects of the court and were engaged in an instructive game of ‘Simon Says’ which enabled them to identify the different lines on the court such as base line, service line etc.
They were also taught how to hold the racket and got a feel of hitting the ball over the net.
These sessions will run from 2 to 4 pm daily and will also climax on Friday 27th July.
Coach at the Sports Department, Tariq Browne also thanked the Resort for their support and assistance with such a program

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