Football Historic FIFA Workshop Takes Place On NEVIS

Football Historic FIFA Workshop Takes Place On NEVIS

A first of its kind Coaches’ workshop coordinated by world governing body for Football, FIFA,  was held on Nevis from Saturday 2nd to Monday 4th March.

The theoretical sessions were held at the Red Cross headquarters at Chapel Street and the practical sessions were held at the Bath Village playing field.

Some 26 individuals attended which involved Coaches at the Primary Schools on the island and other young budding coaches.

The main Facilitator was FIFA Trainer Marcos Tinoco originally from Brazil but who has worked in the Caribbean since 2003. He noted that the coaching program was aimed at teaching the local coaches specific skills for them in turn to go throughout Nevis and work towards developing the grass roots program on the island, especially in those areas where Football is not currently being played.  He indicated that the grass roots program is an initiative of FIFA’S President Joseph Sepp Blatter who wants to ensure that Football is played at all levels of society throughout the world.

He stated that he was happy to recognize that the coaches already have a hands –on basic concept of what is required because of their professional involvement with the children.  ‘‘That makes my job a lot easier,’ he said. ‘All I need to do now is to build on what they already know.’

The course was organized by several individuals, including Raymond RAYBO Smith who is an executive member of the SKNFA who made the initial contacts  proposal for the workshop and President of the Nevis Football Association, George BRIGO Meade who also assisted in coordinating the logistics to make the workshop a reality.  Ag Director of Sports Jamir Claxton noted that his Department’s role included organizing the venues; arranging for the availability of the Coaches and the children and transportation among other things.

Some of the topics covered theoretically were: Understanding FIFA and especially focusing on the grass roots program; Anti Doping-conducted by lawyer Kurlyn Merchant and there was also a session on First Aid.

The sessions officially started with a brief opening ceremony which included speeches by Junior Minister of Sports, Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams; President of the SKNFA Anthony Johnson and President of the NFA, George BRIGO Meade.

The sessions climaxed on Monday 4th March at the Bath Village Playing field with a Football festival involving over 70 children from the various Primary Schools on the island and the coaches were able to demonstrate what they had learnt.

They later engaged in an evaluation exercise and then received their certificated which now qualifies them to coach n all countries under FIFA’’S influence.  Also assisting with the sessions was Technical Director and FIFA rep, Lenny Lake.

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