Farmers Pleased with Outcome of Dept of Agriculture’s 3-Day Land Compliance Project

(Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 16, 2021): The Land Management Unit in the Department of Agriculture has completed its three-day compliance project in District 2 which covers land ranging from Ottley’s to Dieppe Bay.

Several farmers expressed their satisfaction with the success of the compliance project and its benefits.

The project sought to eliminate and reduce the land issues within the district and saw success in solving the conflict in areas where disputes were prominent.

During the field exercises, boundary markings were mounted where necessary and Land officers ensured that farmers were complying with the terms and conditions outlined in the Lease Agreement. Other work completed included application filling for I.D Card registration and land regularization, drone imagery capturing, data recording and consultancy.

This was a collaborative effort executed by officers in the Land Management Unit, the Crop and Livestock Divisions. Technical assistance was provided by the Taiwan Technical Mission.

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