EPPS wins big over VOJN

EPPS wins big over VOJN


The Elizabeth Pemberton Primary school was

dominant in its game versus the VOJN Primary

school on Wednesday 29th October

In a match played at the Flats in Cole Hill, the

EPPS team supported by a strong cast of

supporters won the game convincingly, with a 7

goals to nil margin.

The goal scorers were: Tazari Tyson 2; Akeem

Lewis 2; Raymond Vasquez 2 and Khaleel

Glasgow 1

Meanwhile,over at the St.Thomas’ Primary

School, STPS won over JLPS with a scoreline of 5

goals to 1

THE goal scorers for STPS were: Caleb Morrison

3; Kearne Nisbett 1 and Al Newton 1

For the JLPS team the lone goal scorer was

Sheliqua Carmichael

At the ET Willet Park, The Ivor Walters Primary

School overpowered the Charlestown Primary

school, 4 goals to nil

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