Empowering Women and Achieving Gender Equality are Top Priorities For St.Kitts and Nevis, Says PM Harris‏

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 08, 2016 (SKNIS): Empowering women and achieving gender equality are top priority issues for St. Kitts and Nevis, said Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, in a statement made in observance of International Women’s Day, today, Tuesday, March 08, under the theme “Pledge for Parity” to promote gender equality.

Prime Minister Harris quoted statistics “where, according to the last census in 2011, females account for 51 percent of the total population of 47,196, and 43 percent of the total number of 15,680 households are headed by females.” He noted that it is his Government’s mandate to work assiduously to empower all, regardless of gender.

“Every day, all across our beautiful land, countless citizens and residents demonstrate their pledge for parity,” said the prime minister. “Astute employers encourage, train and promote their productive, dedicated employees, regardless of gender. Loving parents instill discipline in their children, as well as the feeling that they are worthy of being treated with dignity, regardless of gender. Dedicated teachers inspire their students to strive for academic and personal excellence, regardless of gender.”

Prime Minister Harris acknowledged countless others who play an important role in society to ensure that children have the emotional and physical resources to blossom and excel, regardless of gender.

“That generosity of spirit is why I am so proud to lead this country as your prime minister, and I am counting on all of us to step up our level of engagement for the benefit of our children who look to us for moral guidance,” he stated.

Dr. Harris identified two pivotal agents of child socialization. These, he stated, are the family and school that provide children with equal opportunity to thrive. He noted however, that the children face “increasing competition from the mass media, such as music, TV, movies and video games, which are influential socializing agents that too often perpetuate gender stereotypes and negative images of women for sheer shock value, entertainment and monetary gain.”

“It therefore is incumbent on our families, churches, schools and communities to stand up for women and provide redress for those who are marginalized and violated,” he stated.

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