Eagles and Rebels-Recent Winners in Malcolm Guishard Basketball League

Eagles and Rebels-Recent Winners in Malcolm Guishard Basketball League

The Malcom Guishard Basketball league continues to create much excitement, despite a few forced pauses, one of which was the recently held Music festival in St. Kitts.
In two recent games, Youth and Sports Eagles won over CG Rising Starz and CG Rebels won over arch rivals CG Massives.
Here is a summary of the two games:

Game 9 Malcolm Guishard League
Eagles 73 CG Rising Starz 39

First quarter eagles 19 CGRS 11
Second quarter eagles 13 CGRS 7
Third quarter eagles 23 CGRS 13
Fourth quarter eagles 18 CGRS 8

Half time score 32 to 18 in favor of Eagles

Eagles 73 points
Kareem Parry 27poi 4reb 1ass 7ste 3 of 5 free throw made 1turnover
Thabiti Abrams 11poi 6reb 2ass 3ste 1 of 2 free throw made 2turnover
Stevenson Providence 6poi 4reb 1ass 2ste 2b/s 1 of 1 free throw made 1turnover
Kendell Fahie 4poi 6reb 1ass 1ste 2b/s

C G Rising Starz 39 points
Donford Wilkinson poi 18reb 4ass 1ste 5b/s 2 of 2 free throw made 11turnover
Dequan Moving 18poi 8reb 2ass 1ste 2 of 3 free throw made 7turnover
Answorth Hutton 7poi 8reb 1ass 3ste. 0 of 1 free throw. 10turnover
Tyrannie Sargeant 4poi 2reb 5ste 1b/s 2turnover

Malcolm Guishard League 2019 Game 10 02.07.19

C G Rebels 60 C G Massive 49

First quarter C G Rebels 13 C G Massive 11
Second quarter C G Rebels 17 C G Massive 6
Third quarter C G Massive 16 C G Rebels 13
Fourth Quarter C G Rebels 17 C G Massive 16

Half time score 30 to 17 in favor of C G Rebels

C G Rebels 60 points
Jenerson France 16poi 10reb 8ass 10ste 2 of 5 free throw made 4turnovers
Karvin Smith 13poi 9reb 3ass 2ste 3turnover
Jermie Jeffers 16poi 1reb 1ass 2ste 0 of 2 free throw 5turnover
Santos Calderon 2poi 4reb 3ass 4ste 2 of 2 free throw made 4turnover

C G Massive 49 points
Floyel Stapleton 9poi 11reb 4ass 1ste 2b/s 3 of 6 free throw made 5turnover
Kirthni Esdaille 4poi 11reb 4ass 1ste 1b/s 3turnover
Robert Morton 17poi 1reb 2ste 1b/s 2turnover
Matthew Harding 11poi 9reb 4ste 7turnover

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