Dynasty Ballers Take Championship Honours in Church Ground Basketball League

Dynasty Ballers-Champions
Dynasty Ballers Take Championship Honours in Church Ground Basketball League

The Dynasty Ballers basketball team from Gingerland clinched the championship title in the Church Ground Basketball tournament on Tuesday night.

This final game of the best-of-three series was played against the Hoop Nation team, with each team having won one game prior. The match was intense and competitive, maintaining excitement right down to the final whistle.

With just seconds remaining and the score tied at 61-all, Hoop Nation’s Jeffrey Lewis was carrying the ball down the court. It seemed that victory was within reach for Hoop Nation, but suddenly, the ball was snatched away from Lewis. The Dynasty Ballers scored two points, leaving the Hoop Nation supporters in disbelief. An additional point from the free throw line brought the final score to 64-61.

In the last 14 seconds, Hoop Nation made a desperate attempt at a three-pointer but missed.

Final Score:
**Dynasty Ballers: 64 – Hoop Nation: 61**

**Game Summary:**

– **First Quarter:** Hoop Nation 15 – Dynasty Ballers 14
– **Second Quarter:** Dynasty Ballers 22 – Hoop Nation 12
– **Third Quarter:** Hoop Nation 17 – Dynasty Ballers 8
– **Fourth Quarter:** Dynasty Ballers 20 – Hoop Nation 17

**Player Stats:**

**Dynasty Ballers (64 Points):**
– Nickolan Liburd: 24 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists, 5 steals, 4 blocks, 5 of 12 free throws made, 8 turnovers
– Creg Angol: 13 points, 6 rebounds, 1 assist, 4 steals, 3 blocks, 3 of 4 free throws made, 4 turnovers
– Keijarie Huggins: 9 points, 8 rebounds, 6 assists, 4 steals, 0 of 2 free throws made, 5 turnovers

**Hoop Nation (61 Points):**
– Stevenson Providence: 22 points, 19 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals, 5 blocks, 5 of 6 free throws made, 2 turnovers
– Kareem Parry: 18 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals, 4 of 6 free throws made, 1 turnover
– Fabian Forbes: 13 points, 8 rebounds, 7 of 16 free throws made

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