Dr. Douglas Conducts Whirlwind Diplomacy

St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda – The Rt Honourable Dr Denzil Douglas, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Economic Development and Investment, forms part of the Saint Kitts and Nevis delegation to the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Island States (SIDS4) being held in Antigua from 27th to 30th May 2024. In addition to participating in the plenary session of the conference and side events, Dr Douglas will be facilitating engagement with development partners.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs alongside the Honourable Dr Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis engaged in discussions with Mr Omar Shehadeh, Envoy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Caribbean and Pacific States. Dr. Douglas recalled the pivotal role Mr. Shehadeh played in the deepening of the relationship between Saint Kitts and Nevis and the United Arab Emirates. The meeting allowed Saint Kitts and Nevis to express its gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for the provision of two solar-powered desalination plants and explore other key areas of potential for further collaboration, inter alia, renewable energy and sargassum, as well as to stymie sea level rise and coral bleaching.


On that same day, Minister Douglas dialogued with Ambassador Traian Laurențiu Hristea, Vice Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and Her Excellency Theodora Doris Mircea, Ambassador of Romania to Saint Kitts and Nevis regarding the growth of the diplomatic relationship between both countries and opportunities for enhancement. Foreign Minister Douglas urged the Romanian side to continue advocating for countries like Saint Kitts and Nevis on the plethora of issues that continue to confront us.


Later that day, Dr Douglas seized the opportunity to meet with Ms Leticia Carvalho, Brazil’s candidate for Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority, and Her Excellency Elza Moreira Marcelino de Castro, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil to the International Seabed Authority. Brazil was commended for partnering with the Caribbean on issues of mutual interest. Dr. Douglas reminded the Ambassador of the existing Partial Scope Agreement between both countries and expressed a lingering hope for its full implementation. Both sides promised to assess existing programmes for further strengthening as well as pursue new areas for partnership.

Saint Kitts and Nevis values the diplomatic relationship with these allies and intends to enhance frameworks for the execution of mutually beneficial programmes and projects.

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