NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 01, 2019) — The following is an address delivered by Hon. Eric Evelyn, Minister of Culture in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) on February 01, 2019, to mark the start of History and Heritage Month 2019.
Fellow citizens and residents,
It is my privilege to address you on this the commencement of History and Heritage Month 2019, being celebrated here in St. Kitts and Nevis.
History and Heritage Month is an outreach activity hosted by various organisations including the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society, the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society (NHCS), the St. Christopher National Trust, the Departments of Culture and Education on St. Kitts, as well as a number of individuals.
Various activities are held during the month of February which seek to promote greater knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the history, heritage and culture of our country among citizens, thereby fostering stronger national identity and pride.
The NHCS once again welcomes the opportunity to be a part of this initiative. The month of activities this year is being observed under the theme “African Survivals in St. Kitts and Nevis”.
I take this opportunity to encourage the members of the general public on Nevis, to support the activities that will be hosted here on the island in observance of History and Heritage Month 2019.
Friday February 8th has been dubbed Heritage Wear Day, and as many persons as possible are being encouraged to wear something that depicts our heritage. Your heritage wear should also depict this year’s theme. You are also encouraged to post your pictures on your Facebook page, Instagram or WhatsApp status. You should also tag the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society.
Saturday February 16th is dubbed Heritage Day in Nevis. On that day there will be a tour of the Coconut Walk/New River re-forestation project, and that will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. That project of course, is being funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with the NHCS playing a major role in Nevis being awarded that project.
Last year the NHCS hosted a very successful event called “Evening with the Arts” and that activity is back again this year. This year it is “Evening with the Arts African Edition” and it will feature food, fashion and culture.
This activity with a difference, is scheduled to be held on Saturday February 23rd from 7 to 9 p.m. at Hamilton House, Samuel Hunkins Drive. The dress code is heritage or cocktail wear. Hors d’oeuvres will be served and a cash bar will be available. Tickets would be available at the NHCS for EC $50 or US $20.
The activities have been specially planned to attract a wide cross section of the general public. It is important that members of the public take this opportunity to learn more about our nation’s history and heritage.
Once again, I am encouraging persons to support the activities for History and Heritage Month.
I also pledge the support of the Nevis Island Administration as we seek to celebrate and promote our history and heritage.
As we celebrate History and Heritage Month 2019, under the theme “African Survivals in St. Kitts and Nevis”, I, therefore urge all Nevisians and residents to continue to celebrate our rich history and heritage.
Thank you and May God bless us all.