Culturama Secretariat invites entries for Culturama 49 Nevis Slogan Competition

Culturama Secretariat invites entries for Culturama 49 Nevis Slogan Competition

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS– The following is an announcement from the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Culturama Secretariat regarding the Culturama 49 Nevis Slogan Competition.

Slogans should be short and catchy (no more than eight to 10 words) to capture the true spirit of Nevis’ Culturama Festival. Slogans should have never been used before for any previous Culturama festivals or by any other festival or carnival committees.

All entries should reach the Culturama Secretariat, Cotton Ginnery Mall, Charlestown, Nevis, on or before Friday, February 17th, 2023, or entries can be emailed to:

Kindly note that entries would not be accepted by way of telephone.

The winner of the Culturama 49 Slogan Contest would receive two complimentary passes to ALL Culturama 49 events, a plaque, and an EC $500.00 cash prize.

The Nevis Culturama Committee reserves the right to use the winning slogan during its planned extensive promotion of Culturama 2023 which will be celebrated over the period July 27th to August 6th, 2023.

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