CSS Fights Back To Make It a Game Three

CSS Fights Back To Make It a Game Three

The second game in the best of three finals, in the ongoing High Schools’ Basketball tournament, was played at the Grell Hull-Stevens Netball complex, on Tuesday 7th May.
The GSS team had vowed that they would finish the competition on the day.
Small wonder, as they had won in majestic fashion in game one, held on Friday 3rd May, at the Old Manor court.
The score line then was an imperious 73 to 48, in their favour.
However, Tuesday 7th May was a totally different day.
The CSS team appeared pumped and ready for the exchanges.
It was a ding-dong battle from start to finish and the lead changed hands intermittently, as both teams fought tooth and nail, seeking to dominate the game.
In the final analysis, as tempers flared and the two referees were placed under constant pressure, the final whistle was blown, with CSS leading by a slender, yet significant margin of 46 to 42.
The final game is now set for Thursday 9th May, at the Old Manor court in Gingerland and judging from the atmosphere on Tuesday, the cheer leaders and support crews for the two teams, will be out in their numbers and look out for the din and frenzy.

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