Adophus Gumbs of Mattinley Height was convicted for the offence of Stopping in an area not designated to allow passenger to get on vehicle which was committed on 7/8/13, and cautioned.

Leroy Richardson of Stoney Grove, Nevis was convicted for the offence of Operating Without Appropriate Gear which was committed on 31/5/13, and cautioned.

Everton Cannorier of Phillips Village was convicted for the offence for Careless Driving which was committed on 03/06/2013, and fined $350.00 which is to be paid in fourteen (14) days or in default will serve 7 days in prison.

James Mulclair of Bird Rock was convicted for the offence of Careless Driving which was committed on 16/8/13, and cautioned.

Alvan Heyliger of Newtown Ground was convicted for the offence of Careless Driving which was committed on 6/6/13,and fined $350.00 which is to be paid in one (1) month or in default will serve seven (7) days in prison.

Sharalie Burgan of Sandy Point was convicted for the offence Careless Driving which was committed on 4/9/13, and cautioned.

Garret Lewis of Spooners, Cayon was convicted for the offences of Careless Driving and Driving Without a valid licence which was committed on 27/7/13. For the offence of Careless Driving he was fined $350.00 which is to be paid in one (1) month or in default will serve seven (7) days in prison, and fined $100.00 which is to be paid in fourteen (14) days or in default will serve seven (7) days in prison for the offence Driving Without A Valid Licence.

Dennis Boddie of Pond Pasture extension was convicted for the offences of Driving Without Insurance and Driving Without Licence which were committed on 27/06/2013. He was fined $500.00 which is to be paid in two (2) months or in default will serve fourteen (14) days in prison for driving without insurance, and fined $100.00 which is to be paid in fourteen (14) days or in default will serve seven (7) days in prison for Driving Without Licence.


Commissioner CG Walwyn, Members of the CID, Crime Scene, K9 Unit, Ross University K9 Dogs and members of the Delta Squad responded to a missing person report; 19 year old Trevon Belle formally of Westbourne Street, Basseterre but who resided at Soho Village, was last seen alive about 2:25 p.m. on Tuesday 6 November 2013. Trevon Belle was found alive in a house which is under construction at New Road Housing Project. He had no physical signs of injuries and was taken to the JNF hospital for observation.

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