By:Curtis Morton

As part of the recently concluded Eddy Richards Football camp, several guest speakers were brought in to speak to the children in an effort to motivate them towards positive living and being of real value to the community.

One such speaker was Sargeant James Stevens, supervisor of the Drug Unit in Nevis.

He spoke passionately to the young Footballers as he gave a definition for CRIME in general and noted that it was definitely a problem on the island. Included in the crime wave is the use of illicit drugs, especially marijuana and to a lesser extent, cocaine.

He indicated that drugs become illegal once they are regulated by Government and stated that currently, marijuana is listed as illegal because it is regulated by government.

‘Once you are found with illegal drugs, you will be arrested, taken to jail and brought before the court,’ he said.

He explained that normally in the Nevis setting,that would mean being brought before Magistrate Yasmine Clarke.

Once convicted persons can be jailed or fined up to $10,000.00 or $15,000.00.

He encouraged the young Footballers to say something to their parents or to some other responsible person in the community, if someone they know is seen smoking weed.

He also spoke to the issue of gangs and beseeched the children to steer clear of gangs.

“Where there are drugs, there are guns and there are gangs,’ he stated. He gave a history of the BLOODS and CRIBS. The origin of the gangs and stated that many persons have lost their lives through gang violence.

He also noted the severe impact on the public purse when persons suffer from gunshot wounds and the effects on families when they lose their loved ones, especially through violent acts.

He urged the young Footballers to focus their attention on their beloved sport and their education, so that they could make a positive contribution to the society.

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