Contestant #2-Khalitra Swanston

Contestant #2-Khalitra Swanston

Khalitra Swanston was born on September 10, 1996 to Petra Jeffers and Calver Lee Swanston. She began her education at the Charlestown Primary School and later attended the Charlestown Secondary School where she attained nine CSEC passes. She graduated from the Nevis Sixth Form with nine Cape passes and an Associate Degree in Business Studies.

Khalitra is currently employed as a Teller at CIBC First Caribbean. Her ambition is to pursue studies in the area of Forensic Accounting.

Khalitra became fascinated with pageantry after competing and being crowned the 2007 Miss CPS. She was also crowned the 2011 Miss CSS. She sees her participation in the 2017 Miss Culture Queen pageant as the fulfilment of one of her dreams of being an Ambassador for Nevis.

Khalitra has a multi-faceted personality she can be quiet and loving but bold and adventurous. She enjoys the company of her family and close friends. She especially admires her grandmother, Patricia Jeffers, who she identifies as her role model and confidant. In Patricia she sees a woman of strength who has the capacity to use any obstacles as an opportunity to be more loving and generous.

Khalitra enjoys dancing and has performed in many dance presentations for various community activities including Culturama.

Khalitra prides herself in the philosophy that determination and hard work equals success and she intends to use the experience in the Miss Culture Queen Pageant to positively influence her peers.

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