Class Action Could Cost LIAT Pilots

Class Action Could Cost LIAT Pilots

Terminated LIAT pilots involved in a class-action suit against the Antigua and Barbuda government run the risk of walking away without any money.

Ten former pilots are part of a constitutional motion filed recently in the High Court in St John’s by Captain Neil Cave of Barbados.

Last week, Prime Minister Gaston Browne pledged to end all support for LIAT if these pilots, and those who represent them, continue to frustrate his efforts to rescue the carrier.

Now, Browne has intensified those statements, vowing to restructure his government’s offer to LIAT in such a way that the Barbadian pilots will not get a dime.

PM Browne said the Barbados-based former pilots with the regional airline are “rotten elements” responsible for the carrier’s demise.

He said, “They would not cooperate with the government to recapitalise the company and to streamline the operations so that they could be more efficient to ensure the viability and sustainability of LIAT.”

The pilots are calling for severance and monies owed to them since LIAT collapsed a year ago.

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