CG Massives overpower Dynamics

CG Massives overpower Dynamics

Another exciting encounter was played in the Malcolm Guishard Basketball league, on the evening of Thursday 6th June, at the Church Ground hard court.
The Mark Brantley CG Massives, came up against the Troy Liburd Dynamics.
At the sound of the final whistle, Mark Brantley CG Massives, emerged the winner by five points
Game summary:

Mark Brantley C G Massive 65 Troy Liburd Dynamics 60

First quarter C G Massive 16 Dynamics 9
Second Quarter C G Massive 19 Dynamics 14
Third Quarter C G Massive 15 Dynamics 12
Fourth Quarter Dynamics 25 C G Massive 15

Half time score 35 to 23 in favor of Mark Brantley C G Massive

C G Massive 65 points
Floyel Stapleton 14poi 16reb 7ass 2ste 2b/s 2 of 2 free throw made 4turnovers
Matthew Harding 14poi 16reb 3ass 2ste 3b/s 0 of 2 free throw made 2turnovers
Jason Williams 15poi 9reb 3ass 3ste 1b/s 1 of 4 free throw made 3turnover
Robert Morton 14poi 1reb 1ass 4ste 1 of 1 free throw made 6turnovers

Dynamics 60 points
Creg Angol 13poi 12reb 1ass 2ste 4b/s 2 of 6 free throw made 6turnover
Kijarie Huggins 13poi 5reb 3ass 3ste 1 of 2 free throw made 2turnovers
Dio Hendrickson 12poi 8reb 5ste 3b/s 4 of 8 free throw made 1turnover
Tyreek Freeman 4poi 4reb 2ass 1ste 1b/s 0 of 2 free throw 3turnovers

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