CG & CG -Basketball Champions on Nevis

CG & CG -Basketball Champions on Nevis

The combined team members of Cotton Ground and Church Ground or the CG & CG, as they are known, are the new Basketball champions of Nevis.
This feat was accomplished on the evening of Sunday 18th December, at the Grell Hull-Stevens Netball complex.

The CG & CG team faced off with the Dynasty Ballers and immediately the Dynasty team was on the offensive.

Very early in the first quarter, the Dynasty team took a decisive lead, but the experienced CG & CG team clawed back into the game in the latter stage of the quarter and continued in the same vein, in the second quarter.

They later tied up the game and they too, took a decisive lead, with the Dynasty team, making some fantastic plays, as the minutes ran out, trying to get back into the game.

However, it was a case of ‘too little, too late.’

Match summary:

CG CG Basketball Club 80 points Dynasty Ballers 68 points

First quarter Dynasty Ballers 19 CG CG 16
Second quarter CG CG 25 Dynasty Ballers 12
Third quarter CG CG 24 Dynasty Ballers 15
Fourth quarter Dynasty Ballers 22 CG CG 15

CG CG Basketball Club 80 points
Calbert Dore 29poi 8reb 4ass 10ste 3 of 6 free throw made 2turnovers
Cheslyn Hutton 23poi 1reb 7assv10ste 3 of 8 free throw made 7turnovers
Royden Browne 9poi 9reb 1ass 4ste 2b/s 2turnovers

Dynasty Ballers 68 points
Germaal Forde 16poi 11reb 1ste 2b/s 4 of 16 free throw made 3turnovers
Nicholan Liburd 12poi 5reb 1ass 3ste 0 of 6 free throw 8turnovers
Gassano Barry 8poi 9reb 1ass 2ste 2 of 8 free throw made 2turnovers

Calbert Dore is the MVP for Finals

Immediately after the finals, the grand awards ceremony was held.
This was ably chaired by the Deputy Director of Sports, Brian Dowe.

Addressing the gathering, were: Hon. Spencer Brand, chief sponsor of the tournament; former Minister of Sports, Hon. Eric Evelyn and newly appointed Minister of Sports, Hon. Troy Liburd.

The CG & CG team received the first-place medals and trophies, while the Dynasty team took the second-placed trophy and medals.

The following persons received awards:
Most points-107-Nicholon Liburd-Dynasty Ballers
Most steals-25-Cheslyn Hutton-CG & CG
Most assists-17-Carvin Smith-Cg & CG
Most rebounds-89-Jamal Forde-Dynasty Ballers
Most block shots-24-Stevenson Providence-Youth and Sports Eagles

The vote of thanks was delivered by the Director of Sports, Jamir Claxton

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