Carlon Excel In Barbados

Carlon Excel In Barbados

Carlon Bowens Tuckett—make a quiet note of that name. He is the son of former Nevisian and West Indies all-rounder, Carl Tuckett and Sonia Bowens –Tuckett, who is originally from Barbados.

The very unassuming but polite young man, who has a walk very similar to that of the legendary Sir Garfield Sobers, continues to make a name for himself at the lower age levels of West Indies Cricket.

Unfortunately, Nevis did not field a team in the under 17 Leeward islands tournament, recently held in Montserrat. However, Carlon was included in the Nevis under 19 team and performed reasonably well.

Since then, he went on to Barbados and recently represented the Franklyn Stephenson Academy versus a youth team out of Trinidad, the Fatima College (incidentally, the school that the great Brian Lara attended).

The match was played as part of the annual Sir Garfield Sobers schools’ competition.

Carlon opened the innings and cracked a superb 111.

We certainly wish him well in his future endeavours.

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