Canadian High Commissioner tweets Dominica, Grenada in CAN+ program

Canadian High Commissioner tweets Dominica, Grenada in CAN+ program

One day after Canada announced that five Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Trinidad and Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia and St Kitts and Nevis) are now part of Canada’s visa-free travel program for known travellers, information has been provided about two more Caribbean islands – Grenada and Dominica- but for a different program.

Canada’s High Commissioner to Barbados, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia & Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, OECS Commission, Lilian Chatterjee announced the following on her official Twitter account :

Canada values its relations with Grenada. Glad to announce that Grenada is in the CAN+ program for expedited visa processing for its citizens who had Canadian visas over the past 10 years or valid current US visas.

She also posted a separate tweet for Dominica:

Canada values its relations with Dominica. Glad to announce that Dominica is in the CAN+ program for expedited visa processing for its citizens who had Canadian visas over past 10 years or valid current US visa.

Media houses and government officials from the two islands were tagged in the messages.

These two tweets were the only information shared by the High Commissioner about the CAN+ program for these two Caribbean islands.

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