A fair sized crowd was on hand on the evening of Saturday 16th February, as the organizers of the ongoing Brown Hill Basketball tournament, hosted a Basketball festival, which featured several skill sets, unique to the wonderful game.
Chief Coordinator of the event, Kelvin Bramble, noted that having completed the first round of the tournament, the festival was organized to give the teams some breathing space and for the players to have fun in a friendly, yet competitive environment.
Several players, representing the various teams involved in the league, competed in the following:
Three point shootout; Slam dunk contest and a category which involved a variety of skills sets, including dribbling; passing and shooting, within a two minutes time frame.
The overall winners were:
Three point shootout: Dwayne Warner
Skill challenge: Gassano Barry
Slam dunk contest: Kelvin bramble
Brown Hill Festival Attracts Appreciative Crowd