Bronx Crisis; CG Rebels and CG Massives Win Comfortably

Bronx Crisis; CG Rebels and CG Massives Win Comfortably

By: Curtis Morton

Two more matches were played in the local Basketball league hosted by NABA. On Saturday 11th May Bronx Crisis defeated High Voltage 76 to 53 at the Brown Hill court.

Half Time 39 to 24 in favor of Crisis
Final Score 76 to 53 in favor of Crisis

First Quarter Crisis 24 to Voltage 14
Second Quarter Crisis 15 to Voltage 10
Third Quarter Crisis 22 to Voltage 17
Last Quarter Crisis 15 to Voltage 12

Bronx Crisis 76 points
Everson Webbe 31poi 9reb 2ass 4ste 1 of 3 free throw made
Sheldon Lawrence 12poi 3reb 4ass 5ste 0 of 2 free throw made
Orion Jones 8poi 6reb 2ass 1ste

High Voltage 53 points
Curtis Morton 18poi 9reb 2ass 3ste 6 of 8 free throw made
Vaughn Parris 23poi 1reb 2ass 3ste 3 of 5 free throw made
Jurnel Turner 10poi 13reb 2ass 2ste 1b/s 2 of 4 free throw made

There was one unfortunate incident when Curtis Morton Jr suffered a cut in the face when he collided with an opposing player while going up for a rebound.

Meanwhile, at the Grell Hull—Stevens Netball Complex on Sunday 12th May, CG Rebels got the better of arch rivals PJ’S with a score line of 60 to 45

Half Time 34 to 20 in favor of Rebels
Final Score 60 to 45 in favor of C G Rebels

First Quarter Rebels 18 to PJ’s 15
Second Quarter Rebels 16 to PJ’s 5
Third Quarter PJ’s 16 to Rebels 10
Last Quarter Rebels 16 to PJ’s 9

C G Rebels 60 points
Jenerson France 17poi 10reb 1ass 2ste 5 of 9 free throw made
Justin Jeffers 10poi 11reb 1ass 2b/s 2 of 4 free throw made
Royden Browne 10poi 10reb 1ass 1ste

PJ’s 45 points
Matthew Harding 15poi 11reb 1ass 1ste
Karvin Smith 7poi 10reb 3ass 2ste 3 of 5 free throw made
Mervin Hercules 5poi 11reb 1ste 1 of 2 free throw made

In the second game that same evening, CG Massives got the better of Dynamics with a score line of 80 to 62

Half Time 44 to 28 in favor of Massive
Final Score 80 to 62 in favor of C G Massive

First Quarter Massive 21 to Dynamics 15
Second Quarter Massive 23 to Dynamics 13
Third Quarter Massive 22 to Dynamics 18
Last Quarter Dynamics 16 to Massive 14

C G Massive 80 points
Cheslyn Hutton 35poi 2reb 4ass 5ste 2 of3 free throw made
Kirthni Esdaille 22poi 11reb 1ass 1ste 1 made
Allister Usher 6poi 3reb 2ass 2ste

Dynamics 62 points
Norris Williams 16poi 14reb 2ass 1ste 2 of 8 free throw made
Dio Hendrickson 13poi 7reb 3ass 1ste 2 of 5 free throw made
Julian Nisbett 15poi 6reb 1ass 2 of 5 free throw made

Next Game is Tuesday 14th May 2013 7:00pm Netball Complex Bronx Crisis vs. Dynamics.

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