Bridget Blucher Reschedules Flight to Please Nevisians

Pat Bartlette

Charlestown, Nevis- The much anticipated Bridget Blucher gospel concert, which was originally scheduled for the Brown Hill Hardcourt on the evening of Sunday 28th July and which was effectively rained out, has been rescheduled.

Originally, patrons to the event would have been told that the event has been cancelled but late Sunday night, chief coordinator, Mrs. Patricia Bartlette, made the pleasing announcement that the concert has been rescheduled to be held on the evening of Monday 29th July.

The internationally famed gospel artiste who was scheduled to fly out originally on Monday morning, has made the sacrifice to stay on for another day, and deliver the much looked forward to concert to her Nevisian fans.

The good news does not stop there.  This time around, the concert will be free of charge.

Persons attending, are kindly reminded that the concert will serve as a benefit towards medical expenses, on behalf of Tamecia Lestrade and Judith Dore and any contributions to their cause, will be gladly accepted.

The concert will also serve as a celebration for Mrs. Maisie Bartlette, who on Sunday, celebrated the significant milestone of 90 years of age.

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